
  • Please click on the Sign in button on the top right.
  • Click on Register new account.
  • Fill the registration form then click on Register.
  • Now you are entitled to submit your profile (Arbitrator, Arbitration Council (Law Firm), Preparing Hearing Bundles & IT, Hearing Room Provider, Transcript Provider, or Third Party Funding (Financing Firms))
  • Please choose the desirable profile and fill all information.
  • After submission editors will approve and publish the profile.

If your (specialty, language, country of specialty or any other missing information) is not available in our list,

  • Please choose any option that is closest to you (temporarily).
  • Kindly mention the missing information in the notes to admins box at end of profile page.
  • Our team will follow-up on the missing information and send you an email once it is added.
  • To add the new information that was missing, please enter your submitted profile and edit it accordingly.
  • No, you can start search directly by entering keywords inside the search bar, or
  • Choose one of the icons below the search bar then filter your choices from filter by

Yes, after signing in, click on submissions in the dashboard then click on edit (bottom right) of your submitted form, after finishing the update click on update button, then editors will approve and publish the updated profile/article.

               (N.B. editors will not interfere in changing or updating any profile or article).  

  • No, every account is dedicated to one submission (Arbitrator, Arbitration Council (Law Firm), Preparing Hearing Bundles & IT, Hearing Room Provider, Transcript Provider, or Third Party Funding (Financing Firms)).

Yes, up to three articles subject to approval.

You will need to delete one of your previously submitted articles before adding a new one.

No, articles are complimentary and dedicated to whom they have membership account and published profiles.

  • Sign in to your account
  • Click on submissions
  • Click on delete

N.B. your account is reserved for future submissions.

  • Click on WI Group button on the top bar.
  • You will automatically be transferred to the WORLD INDEX GROUP
  • Please choose the desirable website from below list.
  • Please click on the Sign in button on the top right.
  • Click on Register new account.
  • Fill the registration form then click on Register.
  • Now you are entitled to submit one profile.
  • Please choose the desirable profile and fill all information.
  • After submission editors will approve and publish the profile.